Trophy Case Challenge | "SAMANTHA + BRIGGS"

Published: March 23, 2023, 9:24 p.m.

Since the "OG" dates of CrossFit, there has always benchmark tests to see where our Fitness is at. Those tests have been things like, "Helen", "Fran", "Annie", "Grace", "Isabel", and..... "30 ring muscle ups for time"... doesn't quite roll off the tongue now does it? 

Well, we are officially petitioning now for a NEW set of "Girl" benchmark tests... centered around the greatest, and near unbeatiable, athlete to ever grace the competition floor when these two movements came out.. SAMANTHA BRIGGS. 

"SAMANTHA"  For Time - 30 Bar Muscle Ups 

'BRIGGS" For Time - 30 Ring Muscle Ups 

On top of that, we are taking our "Trophy Case Challenge" to the next GYMNASTICS level and bring you this: 

"SAMANTHA + BRIGGS" For Time: 30 Bar Muscle Ups + 30 Ring Muscle Ups - In under 5:00

Do you accept the challenge? Then video it, post on youtube, tag us, and we will see if you have what it takes to say "CHALLENGE COMPLETED" 

Good Luck, Have Fun!