"Shopify LA" = Apple Genius Bar?

Published: Oct. 25, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

Main Takeaways:

  • Retail consolidation is happening, and it really is survival of the best fit.

  • Phillip really wants Alexa to stop trying to figure him out.

  • Amazon raises its minimum wage to $15, but are workers really benefiting?

  • Shopify launches a glorified Apple Genius Bar in Downtown LA.

  • Adobe has an uphill battle in integrating its acquisitions into a seamless ecosystem.

Traditional Retail is Making Moves in Pretty Much Every Direction:

Should Everyone Just Feel Sorry For Billionaire Bezos?


Shopify LA: Just Another Apple Genius Bar?.

Will Shopify Ever Set Up a "Shopify 4-Star"?

  • Since Shopify has set their new brick and mortar space to be more "Apple Genius Bar" than anything else, will Shopify ever set up a retail space similar to Amazon 4-Star?

  • Moving from digital to a physical retail space would allow for Shopify to showcase the best of their merchant's products.

  • Brian makes the case for Shopify not wanting to have to compete with Amazon.

  • Philip argues that Shopify's competition wouldn't even be Amazon it would be Etsy.

  • What would really set Shopify apart if they would enter into a physical retail storefront, would be an  element of product discovery mixed up with a really creative in-store experience.

  • A lot of e-commerce merchants are realizing that reinventing brick and mortar and giving customers a really innovative in-store experience may be the way to really up their commerce game.

Can Adobe Create a Seamless Ecosystem Through Its Acquisitions?

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