Remapping Your Brain - Episode 2425

Published: Dec. 20, 2023, 1 p.m.

b'Episode 2425 - On this Wednesday\'s show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss sugar, sweets, remapping your brain, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS \\xa0 YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Remapping Your Brain Gina remembers \\u201cfrosting shots\\u201d at Sprinkles cupcake shops. (2:30) The huge amounts of frosting and sweetness were an assault on the senses. The gimmicks never end: Gina has seen vending machines for cupcakes. (6:45) Vinnie remembers taking Tallulah to frozen yogurt when she was a kid, but he limited how many toppings. (8:00) They recall when Vinnie was trying junk food on the air. (9:00) There were two of the items Vinnie tried that stuck in his head about how awful they were. So many people have been brainwashed into thinking junk food is good! (14:55) Remapping your brain is possible! (16:00) When you cleanse your brain and palette, whole foods taste even better! Vinnie has a lot of experience helping people to remove things like soda from their lives. (18:45) It only leads to better health. People make the mistake of telling themselves they can\\u2019t give up things like sodas or sweets. Those who were resistant initially can\\u2019t believe how much better they feel without it. That\\u2019s why it is said so often that sugar is a drug\\u2014because it is addicting. The unsexy truth is to eat right, get rid of junky food, and exercise. (25:00) Gina has a new Instagram and a new website, . Check out Gina\'s book . She also co-hosts with Bryan Bishop for @LAmag on the Bryan & Gina Show, which you can find on any podcast platform and . [the_ad id="20253"] PURCHASE BEYOND IMPOSSIBLE (2022) The documentary launched on January 11! Order it TODAY! This is Vinnie\\u2019s third documentary in\\xa0just over\\xa0three years. Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video! Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):\\xa0 Then, Share this link with friends, too! It\'s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!\\xa0 Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter! FAT: A DOCUMENTARY 2 (2021) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: Then, please share my fact-based, health-focused documentary series with your friends and family. The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend! REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter! FAT: A DOCUMENTARY (2019) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: Then, please share my fact-based, health-focused documentary series with your friends and family. The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend! REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!'