Obesity, Hormones, and Triathlons

Published: Sept. 21, 2015, 2:50 p.m.

b"Vinnie Tortorich and cohost Anna Vocino discuss lack of medication, hormones, and NSNG helping people on this Monday episode of the Angriest Trainer podcast. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS vinnie15 DONALDSONVILLE Vinnie's hometown Last time he visited, he commented how many people were overly obese and all were on at least 3 medications There was initially some backlash, now many are NSNG and getting healthier Vinnie is visiting again soon and will do a show with some NSNGers there\\xa0 LISTENER DEXTER Listener had food, pain, and other problems\\xa0 Now, he does cardio, eats healthy, and feels way better He supports NSNG and PVC!\\xa0 AMAZON WINNER OF THE WEEK Andrea Roberts is the winner She bought period underpants that are stain proof through Vinnie's website\\xa0 She has also been doing NSNG to help her health issues She will win some NSNG/PVC garb\\xa0 CREATINE\\xa0 We get creatine from meat Your body also makes it If you start taking creatine, your body stops making it (bad) If you take anabolic hormones, your body will stop making them SQUATTY POTTY Thousands of click throughs through the website, but no purchases through it All fixed now, go buy your potties!\\xa0 NICK CICHERCHI\\xa0(sp) live Cleveland is getting better with progressiveness and health and fitness Gay Games hosted there\\xa0 Co-author of\\xa0 About Chris Mccormack and MaccaX Triathalon and ultra events\\xa0 Competition now about personality, but also the confidence to be a business man out of it Calling upon sponsors, etc\\xa0 Most of the pros show up to these events on their own time\\xa0 Ironman makes tons of money from these events but does not pay those who place at the top\\xa0 Chris is still racing but doesn't train like he used to"