Metabolic Collateral Damage with Dr. Casey Means - Episode 2396

Published: Oct. 13, 2023, noon

b'Episode 2396- On this Friday\'s show Vinnie Tortorich and Dr. Casey Means discuss the metabolic collateral damage from today\'s lifestyles, what ideal health includes, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS \\xa0 YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Metabolic Collateral Damage Casey started her career as an ENT but has transitioned into functional medicine and metabolic health and nutrition. (3:00) She was doing surgeries for inflammatory conditions but realized she didn\\u2019t even know where the inflammation was coming from. So much of our daily life affects our bodies in a wide range of ways we don\\u2019t even consider. (8:50) Mega amounts of processed foods, screen time, sensationalized fear from news, sedentary jobs, and so much more all contribute to a stress level that causes inflammation. It\\u2019s all contributing to metabolic collateral damage! Vinnie shares what he feels led to his cancer diagnosis. (13:00) Damaging your cells and mitochondria is what leads to cancer. Mitochondrial dysfunction is the driving force behind many diseases. He shares where he first learned about how sugar feeds cancer back in 2007. (23:00) Casey describes what she recommends for the initial steps of healing chronic disease. (26:00) Get rid of carbohydrate substrates! Give your body a chance to clear out the materials that cause dysfunction. If you are overloading the cells with substances they can\\u2019t use or don\\u2019t need, the cells become dysfunctional. They agree on the need for a deep dive to check biomarkers and metabolism. Vinnie tells the story of getting a new doctor after moving to his new home. (30:20) The doctor wanted to put him on a statin without having a full understanding of his bloodwork. In many cases, it seems like the \\u201cstandard of care\\u201d isn\\u2019t really \\u201ccare\\u201d at all! A Day At the Beach Vinnie describes a recent day at the beach where it was an effort to find anyone who was not obese. (40:00) They compare typical BMI from decades ago versus today. It doesn\\u2019t help that marketing confuses \\u201cbeauty\\u201d with \\u201cbeing healthy\\u201d. Casey mentions a recent Stanford alumni newsletter that advocated that being overweight was okay, without addressing health concerns. (43:00) Most people don\\u2019t even understand what it means to be metabolically healthy. (48:50) The optimal goal should be both lean and metabolically healthy. Vinnie explains how certain health issues have grown over the years; you can\\u2019t convince him that an obese person is \\u201chealthy on the inside.\\u201d (50:00) Vinnie asks Casey to share her experience of becoming vegan for a time. (1:04:00) She has returned to eating animal proteins and explains why. She advocates and understands the system of healthy soil and nutrient-dense whole foods are best for optimal health. You can find Dr. Casey Means on Facebook and @drcaseyskitchen on Instagram and X/Twitter. \\xa0 [the_ad id="20253"] PURCHASE BEYOND IMPOSSIBLE (2022) The documentary launched on January 11! Order it TODAY! This is Vinnie\\u2019s third documentary in\\xa0just over\\xa0three years. Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video! Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):\\xa0 Then, Share this link with friends, too! It\'s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!\\xa0 Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter! FAT: A DOCUMENTARY 2 (2021) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: Then, please share my fact-based, health-focused documentary series with your friends and family. The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend! REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter! FAT: A DOCUMENTARY (2019) Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: Then, please share my fact-based, health-focused documentary series with your friends and family. The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend! REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!'