Fit 236 Ab Exercises to STOP doing, How to Maintain Motivation and Meal Habits

Published: Jan. 29, 2016, 7:37 p.m.

The next step you need to take to maintain motivation, ab exercises you need to stop doing and what more can I say about nutrition?


Since the last podcast, have you determined what you want most and why? If you need help finding your true deep WHY, contact me to schedule a Power Makeover Session.

Once you know your true deep why, then you can examine what is holding you back from getting what you want. That leads us to discover your limiting beliefs.

In the FitnessMakeover workshops [and yes, I am working on a version for an interactive online version for you] we dive deep into this topic! It is by far the most important reason why you self sabotage!

These limiting beliefs are holding you back from achieving your goals. You can have good intentions and the best programs and diets, but if you have what is called “limiting beliefs”, your success is doomed from the start!

What are "limiting beliefs"? They are those false statements that ricochet in your head and sabotage your efforts. They exist on what is called your “belief window.” This is how you view YOUR world. Whether true or false, right or wrong, your belief window has written on it whatever you think and say.

You need to uncover your the layers in your thought process to find your limiting beliefs and then correct them! Even if you know your WHY for exercising, you can still get off track if your belief window is clouded with the wrong messages.

In my book (now available in paperback) Mindset Motivation: Stay Motivated, Get the Body You Want, Live the Life of Your Dreams!  I provide you worksheets and guides to help you determine what is on your belief window and your limiting beliefs and devote a few chapters to this topic too.

Some examples of “belief windows” and limiting beliefs:

False Belief: I always fail. 

Really? In everything? I don't think so! Here's a few things that I guarantee you do successfully everyday:

* dress yourself
* maintain hygiene
* communicate
* breathe
* read....

I could go see that by globalizing you created a false belief! This is one of the thoughts holding you back from success that you can change! Here's how to change that limiting belief:
Power Statement: If I don't succeed the first time, then I have learned what not to repeat. A new strategy can help me improve.

There's many more we can go through. Listen to the podcast for a few more examples.   I'll do more in future podcasts.

Here's what I want you to do:
Start listening to your thoughts and write down any negative or non supportive ones. These are most likely your limiting beliefs. Once you recognize these, begin to change them!


Have you tried the new QuickFit Club workouts? Did you laugh when I slipped off the ball? Well I did....slide off and I did laugh! Gotta laugh at yourself....but what is no laughing matter is the amount of people I see in the gym doing the same useless ab exercises that can be potentially harmful!

In previous podcasts,