Fit 214: QuickFit, More ways to burn stubborn fat, Overcome the doldrums!

Published: Sept. 17, 2014, 5:32 p.m.

More ways to burn stubborn body fat! QuickFit Club training and free membership! Tips To Pick Up Your motivation when you need it most!

QuickFit Club
Jump on over to and register for a free membership then get started cruising around the site and let me know what you think. Of course, do the workout videos too! Your feedback and opinions can help me make this the best workout video club ever!  Tell me what you like, don't like or what you wish was on the site.  Don't worry, you won't be put on any list or bugged to join when the Club Launches officially. Currently, I'm not sure when the official date is :(, but that just means more free workouts for you!

Check out the How to Use QuickFit Club page for details!

QuickFit Club is still a work in progress and with your help and feedback the site should be easy to follow and navigate. The plan for the site is...simple, simple, simple....

Here’s how it works: 

* New memberships begin on the first of the month. Sign up any time prior and you will receive instructions and an email reminding you when it’s time to begin.
* On the first of the month, login to QuickFit Club and go to the “Member Home” Page and print out your monthly motivation and workout calendar.
* Complete your workouts on the days specified, or what fits your own schedule. There’s a box for you to check when you’ve completed the workout. The video workouts can be done anywhere you have internet access! The videos are optimized for all media players, types and sizes.
* Check the schedule for the weekly check-in chats (&/or webinars).
*  Review the theme of the month and your focus items!
* Print out Grocery Lists or Food Lists, if needed.
* Check out the latest recipes!

At this point, we a researching the best system for the chats so we can do text, voice and video, probably not all at the same time but I know eventually a live video chat is our goal. Which means..lucky you, a later launch for us, but more free Quickfit club time for you! If you haven't already get over to and get started!

Four more ways to burn stubborn body fat! The last part in our series!

Sip Green Tea. 
Green Tea  Green tea contains caffeine and polyphenols which have been shown to increase calorie burning. It contains special calorie burning compounds that can help burn about an extra 100 calories a day! That can be the difference in overcoming a plateau! Here is a fantastic brand that can be used in many convenient ways: Matcha Green Tea Powder - ORGANIC - All Day Energy - Green Tea Lattes - Smoothies - Matcha Baking - Superior Antioxidant Content - Improved Hair & Skin Health- ...