Ep040 - Facing Fear with the Power of Your Passion

Published: Sept. 26, 2017, 6 a.m.

FEAR: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. Which approach do you take when facing those nagging voices of fear that whisper in your ear?

Do you listen to them? Do you question them? Do you challenge them?

In this week's episode of Reflections of a Recovering Ugly Duckling, I share with you my struggle with FEAR.


Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear of people talking about me. Fear of not measuring up. Fear of planning a party that no one will attend.

There are more types and levels of fear that I can list here. Some rear their ugly heads only in certain conditions. Others remain a constant presence in our hearts.

Fear can be vanquished, when we have the courage to face it.


This week I am challenging the voice that whispers, "What if no one comes?" as I invite you to join me in a new program I've developed.

If you are interested in improving your health, you are invited to participate in my Healthier Habits Starter Program. I've been planning this for months! I have some great tips and tricks to share to help you focus on the habits you can develop to become healthier and happier.

Click here for more information: << Healthier Habits Starter Program >>




The music is Drifting Upstream by Hyson.