297: Yuck! Homework!

Published: June 20, 2022, 8 a.m.


297: Yuck! Homework!

In today\\u2019s podcast, we discuss the important but dreaded topic of psychotherapy homework, and our featured guest is Alexis, whom some of you know from her fabulous work organizing beta tests for the Feeling Good App. Today, Alexis brings us a very special gift, by showing us how she "walks the walk."!

At the beginning of the podcast, we discussed the two major reasons to do psychotherapy \\u201chomework:\\u201d First, the homework gives you the chance to practice and master the techniques you\\u2019re learning, so you can keep growing and strengthening your skills. And second, because it\'s an expression of motivation; motivation alone can have powerful anti-depressive effects and lead to rapid recovery.

I also talked a research study I did with a friend and colleague who got depressed following the breakup of his relationship with the woman he\\u2019d been dating for several years. Each night he would partially fill out a Daily Mood Log, including a brief description of the upsetting even or moment. Then he would circle and rate his negative feelings on a scale of 0 (for not at all) to 100 (the worst), for how he was feeling at that very moment. Then he recorded his Negative Thoughts and indicated how strongly he believed them on a scale from (not at all) to 100 (completely).

He was telling himself that he\\u2019d never find anyone to love, that he\\u2019d never find work, and so forth.

Then he\\u2019d flip a coin to decide on one of two courses of action. If heads, he would jog for 30 minutes or so at a fairly fast clip and then re-rate his belief in each negative thought as well as the intensity of each type of negative feeling on the same scales of 0 to 100. If tails, he would work on his Daily Mood Log for 30 minutes and then rerate his belief in each negative though and the intensity of each type of negative feeling.

He did this for several weeks and I was thrilled to see that he recovered on his own from a pretty severe bought of depression without any psychotherapy or medications. However, I did give him a little coaching on how to challenge various kinds of distortions.

Once he recovered, we analyzed the data using Structural Equation Modeling. We discovered that the jogging had no effects whatsoever in reducing his belief in his negative thoughts. This finding was not consistent with the popular idea that exercise boosts brain endorphins and causes a \\u201chigh.\\u201d I was not surprised, since jogging has never elevated my feelings, either, although some people do report this effect.

In contrast, on the nights that he worked with his Daily Mood Log, there were massive reductions in his belief in his negative thoughts as well as his negative feelings. This finding was consistent with the idea that psychotherapy homework is very important, whether or not you are receiving treatment from a human shrink. The study also confirmed the idea that distorted negative thoughts do, in fact, cause depression and other negative feelings like anxiety, shame, inadequacy, and hopelessness, and that a reduction in your belief negative thoughts triggers recovery.

Anecdotally, I would like to add that he maintained his positive mood and outlook following his recovery. His career flourished, and he got married. I showed him his negative thoughts years later, and he was shocked. He found it hard to believe that he was giving himself and believing such harsh and distorted messages at the time he was depressed.

I\\u2019ve often said that there is a kind of hypnotic aspect to depression, anxiety, and even anger. You tell yourself, and believe, things that are simply not true! Recovery is a little (or a lot) like snapping out of a hypnotic trance!

Here is another implication of the study of exercise vs the Daily Mood Log, as well as other studies that have confirmed the critical importance of psychotherapy homework in recovery from depression and anxiety. Because we know the importance of homework, if we are not asking our clients to do homework, then we may actually be impeding their progress rather than supporting them.

That\\u2019s why I let people know prior to the start of therapy that the prognosis for a full recovery is very positive, but homework will be required and is not optional. If they feel like they don\\u2019t want to do the homework, I don\\u2019t encourage them to work with me. This is called the Gentle Ultimatum and Sitting with Open Hands.

Oddly, enough, this approach seems to enhance patient motivation as well as patient compliance with homework between therapy sessions. The homework, in turn, speeds recovery and reduces patient drop-out.

When I\\u2019m doing research, I try to create mathematical models that reveal causal factors that affect all human beings, and not some finding that only applies to this or that school of therapy. Therefore, it would seem to follow, that doing \\u201chomework\\u201d is just as important if you are working on your own without a therapist. And it would seem like it should be important in our app, as well.

These hypotheses have been confirmed. Practice, and doing specific exercises that I\\u2019ve created, are just as important to the degree of recovery in beta testers who are using our Feeling Good App, as well as in people who are working on their own without a therapist. Today, we are joined by Alexis, who works on her own negative thoughts whenever (like the rest of us) she feels stressed out or upset.

Alexis described an example of her homework, starting with this upsetting event at the start of the pandemic:

Daily Mood Log

Upsetting Event or Moment: Pandemic and moving back to my preferred city and leaving my mom to live alone.


Next, Alexis recorded her negative feelings:

Feelings Now % Goal % After %
Anxious, worried, panicky, nervous, frightened 75 \\xa0 \\xa0
Frustrated, stuck, thwarted, defeated 50 \\xa0 \\xa0
Guilty, remorseful, bad, ashamed 100 \\xa0 \\xa0
Hopeless, discouraged, pessimistic, despairing 20 \\xa0 \\xa0
Sad, blue, depressed, down, unhappy 80 \\xa0 \\xa0
Inferior, worthless, inadequate, defective, incompetent 80 \\xa0 \\xa0
Lonely, unloved, unwanted, rejected, alone, abandoned 75 \\xa0 \\xa0
Angry, mad, resentful, annoyed, irritated, upset, furious 20 \\xa0 \\xa0
Embarrassed, foolish, humiliated, self-conscious 10 \\xa0 \\xa0


As you can see, she felt intensely guilty, anxious, inadequate, and lonely, and had a few additional feelings that were somewhat elevated.

Then she pinpointed two negative thoughts, along with her percent belief in each one.

  1. I\\u2019m a bad daughter. 100%
  2. I should move back in with my mom. 50%

Then she identified the distortions in her thoughts, and explained why each distortion will not map onto reality. This technique is called \\u201cExplain the Distortions.\\u201d

Explain the Distortions

NT: I\\u2019m a bad daughter 100%

All-or-Nothing Thinking. I\\u2019m focusing on the idea that I can be 100% good or bad , which doesn\\u2019t make sense, since nothing in this world is completely good or bad.

Overgeneralization I\\u2019m calling myself a \\u201dbad daughter,\\u201d as though this is label described my entire being.

Mental Filtering Instead of focusing on some of the positive things that I do. I\\u2019m focusing on the idea that I\\u2019m not doing enough.

Discounting the Positive I\\u2019m not thinking about all the loving things that I do for my mom and that I enjoy doing for her and with her.

Mind-Reading I\\u2019m telling myself that my mother thinks that I am a bad daughter, but I don\\u2019t actually have any evidence for this.

Fortune-Telling I am telling myself that I\\u2019ll never be good enough.

Emotional Reasoning: I feel like a bad daughter so I think it must be true.

Magnification and Minimization: I\\u2019m magnifying how important my conduct is to my mother (big ego).

Should Statement: I\\u2019m telling myself that I should be a better daughter and that I shouldn\\u2019t have moved back to the city where I prefer to live.

LAB: I\\u2019m labeling myself as \\u201cbad daughter.\\u201d

Self-Blame: I am blaming myself for being a \\u201cbad daughter.\\u201d

Other-Blame: I might be blaming my mother for expecting so much.

NT: I should move back in with my mom. 50%

All-or-Nothing Thinking. I\\u2019m telling myself that I\\u2019m either there 100% or not there 100%, which doesn\\u2019t really make sense. Even if I don\\u2019t live with my mom, I can still visit often and stay as long as I like.

Mental Filtering I\\u2019m focusing only on my duty to a parent and not on my commitments to myself.

Fortune-Telling I\\u2019m telling myself that something bad will happen to my mother and that she will be unable to care for herself.

Magnification and Minimization: I\\u2019m magnifying my importance (ego!!!)

Emotional Reasoning: I feel like I should live with her so it must be true.

Should Statement: I am shoulding myself.

Self-Blame: I\\u2019m blaming myself for leaving and for wanting to live on my own.

Other-Blame: I am secretly blaming my mother for making me feel this way.

Straightforward Technique

You just try to challenge your negative thought with a positive thought (PT) that fulfills the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for emotional change:

  • The Necessary Condition: The PT must be 100% true, and not a rationalization.
  • The Sufficient Condition: the PT must significantly or greatly reduce your belief in your Negative Thought.

Negative thought: I am a bad daughter (I should move back in with my mom.)

Write down a more positive and realistic thought:

My mom is in average health for her age and can take care of herself. She has the financial resources to maintain her lifestyle without my help.

Ask yourself:

Is this negative thought really true?

Maybe. I love my mom more than just about anyone. I do lots of things for her and with her and enjoy her company immensely.

Do I really believe it? I do.

Socratic Method

When you use this technique, you ask yourself questions to lead yourself to the illogic of your negative thought.

NT: I am a bad daughter


Are you sometimes a good daughter? Yes

Do most adult children feel like they are a bad kid sometimes? Yes

NT: I should move back in with my mom


Should adult children live with their parents? Not if they don\'t want to!

Worst, Best, Average

With this technique, you list the qualities of the opposite. Since you\\u2019re calling yourself a \\u201cbad daughter,\\u201d you can list the qualities of a \\u201cgood daughter.\\u201d Then you can rate yourself in each quality, thinking of when you\\u2019re at your worst, when you\\u2019re at your best, and your average.

Qualities of a \\u201cgood daughter\\u201d Worst Best Average
1.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Calls their parents 80 100 90
2.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Visits their parents regularly 30 100 90
3.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Helps their parents 70 90 80
4.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Is financially responsible for self 80 100 90
5.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Respects their parents 0 90 80


When you\\u2019re done, you can review your ratings. If there\\u2019s one area where you need to improve, you can put together a 3 or 4 step plan for changing. Sometimes, as in Alexis\\u2019 case, you\\u2019ll realize that you\\u2019re actually doing just fine, and no change is needed!

This technique was the icing on the cake, and Alexis decided that her thought, \\u201cI\\u2019m a bad daughter,\\u201d wasn\\u2019t actually true.

These were her feelings at the end.

Feelings Now % Goal % After %
Anxious, worried, panicky, nervous, frightened 75 5 10
Frustrated, stuck, thwarted, defeated 50 0 0
Guilty, remorseful, bad, ashamed 100 0 0
Hopeless, discouraged, pessimistic, despairing 20 0 0
Sad, blue, depressed, down, unhappy 80 5 0
Inferior, worthless, inadequate, defective, incompetent 80 0 0
Lonely, unloved, unwanted, rejected, alone, abandoned 75 0 0
Angry, mad, resentful, annoyed, irritated, upset, furious 20 0 0
Embarrassed, foolish, humiliated, self-conscious 10 0 0


As you can see, Alexis put in some time and effort to challenge the negative thoughts that were triggering her unhappiness. We are indebted to Alexis for being so open and vulnerable, and for showing this how it works.

Is it worth it? That was a lot of \\u201chomework!\\u201d

That\\u2019s a decision you\\u2019ll have to make for yourself, of course. The Dalai Lama said that happiness is the purpose of life. That\\u2019s not entirely true, but there\\u2019s a lot of truth in it, for sure!

So, the question might be, what would some greater happiness be worth to you?

If you are interested in beta testing the Feeling Good App, you can sign up at www.feelinggood.com/app.

Thank you Alexis for the very special gift of your knowledge, tremendous skill, and vulnerability!

Until next time\\u2014

Rhonda and David

