Episode 9: Ayurvedic Hints and Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle with Jasmine Sidhu

Published: April 7, 2021, 4 a.m.


My next guest is Jasmine Sidhu, a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner. She studied the Indian science of her ancestors, Ayurveda, which dates back to 5000 years ago. It is the sister science to Yoga that contains full branches of medicine in India such as Internal Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics, Toxicology, Ophthalmology, Surgery, Rejuvenation, and Aphrodisiacs. In the West, she practices the preventative and rejuvenate section of Ayurveda which focuses on nutrition, diet, and lifestyle that affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. The wisdom of\\xa0 Ayurveda is very logical, using mind-body types characterized as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, to analyze one\'s natural physio/psychological constitution, and to identify the root causes which may be causing random symptoms.

Jasmine has experienced severe and crippling chest pains, hormonal imbalances, adult-acne, menstrual issues, fatigue, anxiety/depression, low libido, etc. by the age of 25. However, at the same time she was working out every day, intermittent fasting, and in the best \'physical shape\' of her life. So where were all these symptoms coming from? When her doctors couldn\'t provide answers, she stumbled upon Ayurveda through her grandparents who sought Ayurvedic treatment where she received more answers through Ayurveda than any of her doctors combined. Ayurveda helped her understand why and how her body works/reacts the way it does and how to truly feel and look better. Jasmine\\u2019s hope as an Ayurvedic Practitioner is to bring you the answers and guidance you need to restore your body back to its best self, internally and externally. Ayurveda can help with all kinds of ailments such as IBS, Menstruation Imbalances, Menopause, Gut Health, Constipation, Gas, Bloating, Mal-Absorption, Weight Gain, Skin Issues as well as help minimize and maintain symptoms of severe diseases. Her ultimate goal is to build a curated health plan for you that works to keep you in balance and symptom-free, build your immunity, and prevents you from developing serious diseases later in life.

Find Jasmine on Instagram @thedailycandor and check out her website www.thedailycandor.com

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