Ep. 39: 75 Min Level 2 Yoga Class- Spotlight Integrity

Published: May 21, 2007, 5:47 a.m.


\\xa0This is the actual class that I taught while there was a camera crew right in class with us!\\xa0 The camera man was there for 45 min of the class, and then they sweetly left.\\xa0 Just thought I should post the class so that y\'all could be part of the fun :) \\xa0


Link to CBS2 video\\xa0


uStream Live and Unplugged Friday Class


uStream YoGeek Practice Broadcast\\xa0


\\xa0The Sequence:


Adho Mukha Svanasana/Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana/Straight Legged Lunge


Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3


Surya Namaskar x 2


Crescent Pose




Vira II/Reverse Vira




wide Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back




L Pose at the Wall


Tree Pose


Deep Lunge on the forearms


Pigeon/Pigeon with slight twist


Deep Lunge with thigh stretch


Pigeon with Thigh stretch




Eka Pada Dhanurasana


Upavishta Konasana/Parsva Upavishta Konasana










