Ep. 27: 70 min Level 2 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- The Heart

Published: Feb. 11, 2007, 5:06 a.m.





John Friend founder of Anusara Yoga


John\'s Rockin\' with Shakti Tour


Heart Study


Fantastic Organization which focuses on The Heart!!!


The Dana on Mission Bay Yes...I totally spoiled myself. I figured, why not celebrate my 35th birthday a little more! Mind you, for whatever reason I got a great deal on the rooms and if any of you are ever around San Diego, maybe taking a little trip to Sea World, hey come on over here. They have been incredible. Really.


Donate to Corazon de Vida!


here\'s a link to my Evite for the Coconuts Legwarmers Charity Birthday Bash


The Sequence:


Downward Facing Dog


High Lunge


Downward Facing Dog Twist


Uttanasana/Tadasana/Parvatasana Arms (arms interlaced above the head)


Surya Namaskar x 3




Vira I


Deep Lunge with Chattarunga Arms or Deep Lunge working head behind the knee


deep Lunge with Chattarunga Arms front view Deep Lunge with Chattarunga Arms Back View


Head Behind the Knee front view Deep Lunge with Head behind the knee back view




Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back




Tadasana into Standing Arch Back


Downward Facing Dog Shoulder Alignment work


Monkey Lunge


Pigeon Prep






Lunge with thigh stretch (eka pada rajakapotasana II thigh stretch)


Bridge Pose and/or Urdhva Dhanurasana x 4


Upavistha Konasana into Parsva Upavishta Konasana




Supine Easy Twist


