Ep. 25: 75 min Level 1 Class at the Center for Yoga- Rajanaka

Published: Jan. 28, 2007, 7:44 a.m.


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This is all about my teacher Douglas Brooks, although I don\'t really speak about him in the class. I only try as best as I can to explain what this incredible philosophy is about. As I say during the class, and as Douglas has said many, many times before, "this is a practice that is learned from ear to ear, not from mouth to ear," so my explanation of it, is what I\'ve \'heard.\' I do my best to honor him through my words. As always I only hope to become clearer and more precise in the teachings. If you want to hear him, in his own voice, explain the philosophy check out this link where you can buy his Philosphy CD\'s:




and of course Douglas\'s actual site, so you can go to one of his philosophy workshops, he is not to be missed!




Hillary\'s Yoga Practice! subscribe to her podcast through itunes here


The Sequence:


Sukhasana with Parvatasana arms (arms interlaced above the head)


Sukhasana with side stretch


Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Child\'s Pose (Balasana)


Downward Facing Dog


Straight Legged Lunge into straightening the front leg




Half Sun Salutation


Sun Salutations x 2


Crescent Pose


Demo of Pincha Mayurasana (me jabbering for a while, then you guys get to go at it for quite a while, try to do the full pose 3x)


Pincha Mayurasana


Tree pose with Eagle arms (Vrksanana with Garundasana arms)


Tadasana into a lateral side stretches (sometimes referred to as Crescent Moon)


Vashistasana Prep (with front leg forward)


Lunge Twist


Child\'s pose


Twisting Side Angle Pose Prep (Pavrita Parvakonasana Prep)


Deep Lunge with elbows on the ground


Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back








Seated Baby Craddle (check out Stage 1 and the Stage 2, choose accordingly) Oh yeah, how bizarre do I look in the stage 1 pic, geez :)


Seated Baby Craddle Stage 1 Seated Baby Craddle


Easy seated twist (Sukhasana Twist)


Krounchasana Variation into a Krounchasana variation Twist


Krounchasana variation Krounchasana variation with a twist


On the back! yeay!!!


Pranayama, Natural Breath


