Ep. 21: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class at the Center for Yoga- Misfits!

Published: Dec. 24, 2006, 5:38 p.m.


Merry Christmas!!!!! Honestly a crazy little class! Please, you will need 2 blocks for this class. If you do not have blocks you can use a thick bath towel or blanket, rolled up.


Yeah, I go a little crazy about one of my most favorite Christmas stories (actually the tv show story, rudolph the red nosed reindeer and the island of the misfit toys). I was kinda surprised at how many people had no idea what I was talking about. You guys have to watch the show!!!! Rent it, buy it. You gotta have it for the holiday season! Plus, according to my wacky self, it has a pretty fun soundtrack ;)


rudolph the red nosed reindeer and hermey the elf


The Sequence:


Hands and knees


Downward Facing Dog


One legged D0wn dog into a straight legged lunge


Plank into Down Dog


Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3




Arm Salutes x 3


Half sun salutes x 2


Surya Namaskar x 4




Parsvakonasana prep/variation


Parvakonasana variation


Crescent Pose into Twisting high lunge


Child\'s Pose


Table Top Sequence: involves extending one leg back and opposite arm forward, from there moving into a back bend


Twisted Child Pose


L Pose at the Wall


Deep lunge on the forearms


Pigeon Prep


Eka Pada Bhekasana




EXPLANATION AND DEMO: shoulder alignment discussion, plugging in the armbones for urdhva dhanurasana


demo with John


Urdhva Dhanurasana with blocks x 3


urdhva-dhanurasana-with-blocks-stage-1-medium.JPG urdhva-dhanurasana-with-blocks-misaligned-stage-1-medium.JPG urdhva-dhanurasana-with-blocks-stage-2-medium.JPG urdhva-dhanurasana-with-blocks-misaligned-stage-3-medium.JPG urdhva-dhanurasana-with-blocks-stage-3-medium.JPG urdhva-dhanurasana-with-blocks-stage-4-medium.JPG




Sukhasana twist


Easy supine twist


Supta Padangustasana
