Ep. 12: 75 min Level 1 Class At The Center For Yoga

Published: Oct. 15, 2006, 5:32 p.m.


I\'m back in Los Angeles! Happy to be back and at the same time wanting just as much to be back with my family. I came back to my incredible students whose faces and passion make it all worth it :)


My theme this week had to do with one of my favorite podcasts, "The Bitterest Pill." If you want to hear the whole thing, which I truly suggest you do, you must go to thebitterestpill.com and check out episode #85, it\'s amazing.


Another podcast that I mention is Fitness Rocks. This podcast is by Dr. Monte, who is sooooo passionate about health and wellness it\'s really worth listening to. He gives you the facts about physiology, nutrition, studies that are being conducted or have been conducted about fat, food, diseases, you name it. Be informed! Fitness truly rocks.


Oh yes, the yoga blankets, check out some of these sites:






The Sequence


hands and knees


Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Facing Dog


Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana into lunge/one legged down dog into lunge




Ardha Uttanasana into Uttanasana x 3/ Lengthening forward and bowing back into forward bend


Arm Salutations x 3


Half Sun Salutes x 3


Sun Salutation with lunge


Sun Salutation with Crescent Pose


Child\'s Pose


Downward Facing Dog exercise with the blanket x 2


Sun Salutation with muscular energy focus


Tree Pose x 2 (the 2nd time is with eyes closed)




Pigeon Prep


Ardha Bhekasana


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana x 2 /Bridge Pose


Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana/One legged Bridge Pose


Supta Padangustasana


easy twist


