Wellness Wednesday: Sleep is necessary to Autistic Wellbeing

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 2 a.m.


Sleep. Its one of the most common know ill effects of the autistic brain. Many autistics struggle with It continually through life. To find that perfect balance of sleep and liveliness is key and crucial to living. For many autistics sleep deprivation happens quite routinely mainly because we cannot get our information loaded brains to stop working after being in action for a lengthy period of time, or it just doesn\\u2019t have the ability to cease operations and shut down in the way a neurotypical person\\u2019s brain operates.


This episode is also available as a blog post: http://dustinsdynastyusa.com/2021/02/10/wellness-wednesday-sleep-is-necessary-to-autistic-wellbeing/
