DnB Ep 211: The Plot behind the Oklahoma City Bombing with CIA Whistle Blower Cody Snodgres

Published: April 3, 2019, 1:01 a.m.

In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan welcomes special guest, former CIA Operative turned whistle blower and author of the book Choosing the Light, Cody Snodgres to discuss the plot behind the Oklahoma City Bombing.

On April 19th 1995 a security guard named Timothy McVeigh used a rental truck full of homemade explosives to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, leaving 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. This attack came to be labeled one of our nation’s first acts of “Domestic Terrorism”. But are facts we have been provided over the last 24 years the full story? What if you were approached with a brief case of money and asked to bomb a building and had your life threatened for the information you knew?

Join the Dudes n Beer podcast as we welcome CIA whistle blower Cody Snodgres to share his incredible story of bribery, deceit and the dark underbelly of black ops in America.

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