DnB Ep 147: The Continued Digitization of Society and Can We Stop the Landslide

Published: Jan. 31, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

In this special on the road edition of the Dudes n Beer Podcast LIVE from the heart of Houston, TX host Christopher Jordan, is joined via Skype from the Dudes n Beer studio in Austin by Steven Bishop and Julie Connally to discuss some of the latest issues facing our society as we begin 2018. Where will the digital integration revolution take us as a society? What more revelations will the #MeToo movement bring to light and how will they change the ways we relate to each other both publicly and privately? What can we do to contribute to the upswing of society rather than giving into the negative sucking vortex that seems to be the world around us? These questions and more pondered in episode 147 of the Dudes n Beer podcast LIVE tonight at 8pm CST. Download the FREE Dudes n Beer Podcast app for Android and iDevices or visit our LISTEN LIVE page and join the conversation every week.