Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Matt Bryzcki Author and Fitness Expert Who Dispels Strength Training Myths.

Published: Feb. 6, 2008, 8:49 p.m.

b'We\\u2019re trying something new. First we will podcast our show in it\\u2019s\\nentirety then we\\u2019ll release just the guest interviews during the week.\\nSo please click on the POD button to listen to Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy\\nlearn from one of Dr Fitness\' and Kathie Larkin\'s favorite exercise book authors and\\nexperts Matt Bryzci. Matt is the Assistant Director of Campus\\nRecreation/Fitness at Princeton University and he has written some of\\nthe most important books about strength training and exercise in the\\nindustry. Matt came on the show and tried to dispel some of the many\\nmyths about fitness like Does Strength Training Make You Bulky? He says\\nNo. Can you do sport specific strength training? No. Should women\\nstrength train differently than men? No. There was a lot more great\\nstuff but you\'ll have to listen to get it. Check out Matt\'s books at\\nany Barnes and Noble, on Amazon or straight from his publisher at www.cardinalpub.com

Name another radio show that brings this caliber of diet and exercise experts on their show week after week.
