Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Dr. Kerby Alvy . He Explains How Positive Parenting Can Help Childhood Obesity

Published: Jan. 23, 2008, 10:54 p.m.

b'We\'re trying something new. First we will podcast our show in it\'s\\nentirety then we\'ll release just the guest interviews during the week.\\nSo please click on the PLAY button to listen to Dr. Fitness and\\nthe Fat Guy interview positive parenting expert Dr Kerby Alvy.

Dr. Alvy is a clinical child psychologist and\\ninternationally\\nrespected authority on parenting and parent training. He is the\\nExecutive\\nDirector and Founder of the Center for the Improvement of Child Caring\\nwhich\\nis famous for creating model\\nparent training programs. He is also the Founder and a Founding Board\\nMember of\\nthe National Effective Parenting Initiative. Dr. Alvy is a prolific\\nauthor of books and articles on parenting, parent\\ntraining, child development, and child abuse prevention, as well as\\nauthoring\\nand co-authoring parenting education programs and seminars. Tonight he\\ntalked about the topic of childhood obesity form his his book The\\nPositive Parent.\\nRaising Healthy, Happy and Successful\\nChildren Birth- Adolescence. Dr. Alvy said that dealing with a child\\nstruggling with being overweight or obesity usually requires some\\nprofessional help. And that the parent has to deal with their own\\nfeelings regarding weight and their child\'s weight in order to be\\nsuccessful. And he emphasized the importance of the parents role\\nmodeling a physically active lifestyle and healthy eating. His segment\\nwas filled with parenting tips and advice about losing weight and also\\neating disorders. Please go to his website for more information and all\\nhis books www.kerbya.com
