Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Interview Author of Never Be Sick Again (or Fat) Raymond Francis

Published: March 2, 2008, 2:01 p.m.

b'We\\u2019re trying something new. First we will podcast our show in it\\u2019s entirety then we\\u2019ll release just the guest interviews during the week. So please click POD to listen to Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy learn all about how to Never Be Fat Again and Never Be Sick Again from Raymond Francis,\\nfounder of Beyond Health. Raymond is an M.I.T.-trained scientist and an\\nexpert in\\nsupplement chemistry. He has been called\\n"one the few scientists to achieve a breakthrough understanding of\\nhealth\\nand disease." And that endorsement wasn\'t given to him by his good\\nfriend actor, Rob Schneider.

\\xa0Forced to save his own life over two\\ndecades ago, Raymond\\nhas created a revolutionary model of health. His model addresses the\\ncauses of disease\\nrather than treating its symptoms. When you address the causes,\\nproblems\\ndisappear.\\xa0 He believes there is only ONE DISEASE\\nand only TWO CAUSES of disease.

He wouldn\'t tell us what that was but\\nhe said his website could give us a lot of good information about it. The health information on his website and in his\\nbooks Never Be Sick Again and Never Be Fat Again as well as his\\nnewsletter Beyond Health News is designed to inform you of health\\nchoices that will empower you to choose\\nhealth, helping you to get well, stay well and never be sick again.\\n

During the interview he gave us great tips like eat fresh fruits and\\nveggies, don\'t eat processed foods, use high quality supplementation\\nand make sure you get enough calcium. He also mentioned that because\\nthe soil contains much less minerals and nutrients you have to eat a\\nlot more vegetables and fruits to get the same level of nutrition as\\nyou would have 50 years ago. So he thinks supplements are the way to\\ngo. Please check out his website www.beyondhealth.com for more information.

\\nAs always, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Radio Show has more\\nlaughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight\\nloss podcast out there. Also check out our brand new redesigned website\\nwww.drfitnessandthefatguy.com to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and join our site in order to enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one.


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