Loving Kindness

Published: Aug. 30, 2020, 2:23 a.m.

b'I don\'t think anyone would disagree that the world needs more loving-kindness. This week, take part in the ancient tradition of Ahimsa, or non-violence, from Pantanjali\'s Yoga Sutras. Discover how harmful thoughts are considered to be as violent as physical violence. This is part of a collection of meditation series focused on sending more peace and love into the world. \\xa0 Join us in part 1 of this week\'s Loving Kindness series. You\'ll be guided to release negative, harmful thoughts and replace your thoughts with loving-kindness. \\xa0 This is part 1 of a 7-part Loving Kindness meditation series episodes 2096-2102. \\xa0 THIS WEEK\'S CHALLENGE: Every day, consciously send loving kindness to yourself, others, and the world. \\xa0 THIS WEEK\'S MEDITATION TECHNIQUES: \\xa0 Affirmation - "I send loving-kindness to those around me.." Breathing - Inhale: Send out loving-kindness. Exhale: Release negative thoughts. Mudra - Brahma Mudra Chakra - 3rd - at abdomen - inner passion, zest for life Herb - Passionflower - calms the heart Yoga Asana - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge Pose

You\'ll find additional daily support and a weekly guide with the meditation techniques for each theme at sip.and.om Instagram and sip and om Facebook. You\'ll find deeper, longer daily 30-minute guided meditations on the Sip and Om meditation app. I invite you to try it for 2-weeks absolutely free! Receive access to 2,000+ fully guided meditations customized around a weekly theme. Select from 300+ series to fit your mood with a Clarity Journal and a Slow Down Guide customized for each theme. Brand new themes are introduced each week. Connect with other meditators on the private Facebook group for app subscribers.

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All meditations are created by Mary Meckley and are her original content. Please request permission to use any of Mary\'s content by sending an email to Mary@sipandom.com.

Resources: Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke and Greg Keller.
