What every therapist needs to know about clients who struggle with food - From an intuitive eating dietitian

Published: April 26, 2022, 12:27 a.m.


If you\'re a therapist and have clients that have a stressful relationship with food (overeating, binge behavior, disordered eating patterns), ever wonder WHAT\'S HAPPENING? This episode covers why they may be feeling this way and what an intuitive eating dietitian does to support them.

And if you have a therapist right now who doesn\'t quite understand how you\'re feeling or your interest in intuitive eating work, this is the episode to send them.

In this episode I talk about:

  • why there may be a fixation on the body
  • the role of emotions, connection, belonging, trauma, control
  • what overeating/binges feel like
  • guilt vs binge eating
  • overeating/binge as a compensatory mechanism
  • food/sugar addiction, is it real?
  • the effects of food restriction/dieting in childhood and adulthood
  • why clients seek out intuitive eating
  • what an intuitive eating dietitian does in sessions (neutralize food, exposure therapy, body image, values based approach, interoceptive signals, hunger/fullness, how to address emotional needs without food)
  • the journey towards becoming a normal eater again
  • opportunities for therapists and dietitians to collab i.e. trauma-informed care, shifting limiting beliefs



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