125: Don't Know What to Do (or Where) to Start Your Weight Loss or Fitness Journey as a Christian? Don't Turn a Blind Eye to These 3 Things!

Published: Feb. 22, 2022, 12:58 p.m.

As a Christian, looking for a weight loss (or fitness) program is a challenge especially if you don’t know what to do (or where) to get started. With 819 million results to choose from you would think it would be easy to just choose one and go with it.. (Type “weight loss or fitness for women” into Google and you’ll get at least that many results to choose from!) The reality is that finding a single program appropriate for us as Christians is tough. Majority of the programs out there have a common theme: vanity metrics (PLUS they encourage you to plan out and pursue self-centered goals). Lift your booty, tone your arms, flatten your tummy, run faster anyone? (Easy selling!)

It’s no secret that I wasn’t following God’s way regarding fitness and weight loss. I did what most of us would do (and still are… I get it). I followed what my flesh desired and did what I saw everyone else was doing. Outward appearances of the person leading a program MATTERED to me (a LOT). That’s what led me to make a decision for which program to join. And as long as the exercises got my heart rate up really high the program was fulfilling part of their promise. My hope and encouragement were found in the fitness authority’s body shape. But one year, finally, God opened my eyes and I saw that I was conforming to the world! I looked like everyone else. Not who Christ was calling me to be. My old desires were slowly starting to surface. 

I coveted other people’s bodies because I hated mine. My mind was determined to get back the body I used to have. Does any of this sound similar to your own thoughts or actions when it comes to how we’re approaching weight loss and fitness? If so, how does it make you feel as a Christian knowing this is the naked truth? What (or where) can you look for appropriate and helpful programs as you’re starting out (or restarting) your weight loss or fitness journey? And how do you know if you’re making the right program decision to join?

Be encouraged as we go through questions like these inside this episode. If you want to know the 3 things you shouldn’t ignore as you seek out a weight loss or fitness program as a Christian, then you don’t want to miss this episode! Enjoy and get ready to take some notes down!

Jesus Over Jeans,



Obsessing about your weight and obsessing about what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Is starvation mode normal to you? Are you bullying yourself by saying things like I’m fat and worthless? Are you someone who works out all week long but then binges on the weekends? Maybe you believe that buying that new diet and health bible study is the solution to your food issues as a Christian woman? Maybe you don’t even consider your food struggles as issues at all because everyone else around you has the same issues so it feels “normal”. Are you sick and tired and want freedom from it all?

Let’s dig into finding body freedom, God’s way! All it takes is one email and I’ll help you get set up.

STEP 1: EMAIL ME jaclyn@courageousfitfemale.com 
(Subject line: Coaching with Jaclyn OR Coaching Menu)

STEP 2: Expect a reply from me within 24-48 hours (longer on weekends & holidays)

HAVE QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS? VOICE MESSAGE ME: http://go.courageousfitfemale.com/voicemessage  


124 How to Know When It’s Time to STOP Chasing Weight Loss, Fitness & Health as a Godly Woman


123 7 Questions To Ask When Feeling Discouraged Despite Your Best Weight Loss Efforts


122 Establish This FIRST BEFORE Joining Another Fitness Challenge, Exercise Program, Or Diet So You Can Transform How You Feel About Your Body & Health Forever


121 The Truth About Obstacles & Falling Off the Bandwagon. Heart-Check Series (Part 3)


120 How I Carve Out Exercise When Things Are Crazy Busy. Follow this Framework, Take Control of Your Schedule & Get Exercise In! Heart-Check Series (Part 2)


119 Are Your Weight Loss Goals Built on Lies? Identifying & Replacing Worldly Lies with God’s Truth. Heart-Check Series (Part 1)



GET YOUR FREEBIES (Click “FREE RESOURCES” tab at the upper right-hand side on my website): https://courageousfitfemale.com 

SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel: http://go.courageousfitfemale.com/YouTube 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast show is not intended to treat or diagnose. Before participating in any fitness activity or practicing anything shared on this podcast be sure to get your physician’s advice and approval. If you feel you need medical advice I highly encourage you to seek prompt attention.