Ep. 87 The success rate statistics on selling your business

Published: April 5, 2017, 8 a.m.

How many people will you have to approach about buying your business before you end up getting an offer?

In this week’s episode, you’ll hear from John Arnott who gives you a breakdown of the statistics on how many people he approached, the conversion rate of those approached to those who signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), what proportion of people under NDA requested a face-to-face meeting and, of the people he met with, how many offers he received.

It’s the first time that we at Built to Sell Radio have received such specific conversion rate statistics on a single deal. Arnott’s story is treasure trove of hard-fought wisdom, including:

  • How to figure out “your number.”
  • How to time your exit.
  • A detailed breakdown of what’s included in an Offering Memorandum (OM).
  • How to prepare for a face-to-face meeting with a potential acquirer.