John Cena: The One Ton Challenge - The Greatest Weightlifting Challenge of Your Life Barbell Shrugged #389

Published: April 29, 2019, 7:30 a.m.


Looking for a fun event for strong people? Look no farther. The One Ton Challenge is the most fun weightlifting competition you will ever complete. It tests your lifelong pursuit of strength and leaves out the unnecessary formalities...and cardio.


The One Ton Club\\u200a\\u2014\\u200aA club at Cena\\u2019s gym of people who can lift a total of one ton or 2,000 lb. in 48 hours doing 6 lifts: squat, clean, jerk, snatch, deadlift and bench. Anders Varners made it to the one ton club! Cena created the One Ton Club as a way to make training more fun by gamifying it. If you made the One Ton Club, you get a special shirt, and your name will be on the door or wall.


Set up the BBQ, get your friends, turn up the music, and use The One Ton Challenge as your motivation to pursue strength!


There\\u2019s no need to qualify. You don\\u2019t have to be in the top 1% to participate.


Strong people don\\u2019t run from a challenge, they attack it head on. The purpose is not achieving a certain number. The purpose is to get better. With a goal specific program designed to build strength and perfect technique, you will get better.


The One Ton Challenge Starter Kit is your step-by-step guide to testing your lifelong pursuit of strength.


To ensure you get results, we have developed The One Ton Training Program with the most successful strength coach in the country, Travis Mash. This program is broken down into six, eight week training blocks. Each training block builds full body strength in the major weightlifting (snatch, clean, jerk) and powerlifting lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) with a focus on a specific lift that you will have to master in order to reach your goal of One Ton or 1500 for women.


Coach Travis Mash is no stranger to strength. He is 46 years old and still front squats over 500 pounds. \\xa0He had more athletes compete in the Weightlifting World Championships than any other coach in America in 2018. \\xa0He has many freakishly strong athletes include Hunter Elam, Nathan Damron and Morgan McCullough.


The One Ton Challenge Training Program is a 4-6 day/week program that provides strength training, technique drills, and movement specific accessory work to build full body strength, while mastering each lift to smash through the 2,000 pound goal using just 6 lifts (again\\u2026 snatch, clean, jerk, squat, bench, deadlift).


Are your strong enough to be in the One Ton Club?


Are you ready to take on the One Ton Challenge?


Get ready.

-Anders and Doug


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Shrugged Collective is a network of fitness, health and performance shows that help people achieve their physical and mental health goals. \\xa0Usually in the gym, but outside as well. In 2012 they posted their first Barbell Shrugged podcast and have been putting out weekly free videos and podcasts ever since.

Along the way we\'ve created successful online coaching programs including The Shrugged Strength Challenge, The Muscle Gain Challenge, FLIGHT, Barbell Shredded, and Barbell Bikini.

We\'re also dedicated to helping affiliate gym owners grow their businesses and better serve their members by providing owners tools and resources like the Barbell Business Podcast.

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