How To Fix Your Jacked Up Shoulders

Published: Jan. 11, 2017, 6:30 a.m.


Jacked up shoulders holding you back? New\'s flash, you are not the only one. It turns out that shoulder pain and injuries are some of the most common of all dysfunctions for active individuals.

Just like most things we have come to learn and share with ya\'ll is that this is most likely a result of faulty movement patterns. You can go as hard as you want, and lift heavy things for days ..but the flip-side of that is that you have to take the time to focus on your movement. Believe it or not, it is also a good idea to take care of your joints with the same amount of focus you put into your WOD\'s ...a few minutes rolling around on a lacrosse ball ain\'t going to cut it.\\xa0
So knowing that, we headed over to Ambition Athletics to interview one of our good friends, Max Shank. We chatted it up about movement, kettlebell training, and a bunch of other cool shit he is doing in his gym, and around the world with his workshops.\\xa0
More importantly, we talked about the shoulder, how it operates, and how we can take care of it so we can go hard and still feel healthy and strong.\\xa0
If you find this episode useful, Max has put together a resource for the Shrugged fam on taking care of your shoulders. You can find it at