#377: Ulcerative Colitis + Keto and Dealing with Judgement Over the Holidays

Published: Dec. 6, 2018, 9 a.m.


  • What we ate for dinner last night [8:44]
  • Listener question: Keto and ulcerative colitis [14:18]
  • Dealing with judgement at the holiday meals [24:08]

Grab a copy of Diane's book, "Practical Paleo" - http://practicalpaleobook.com/

Want IN on Diane's 21-Day Sugar Detox? Check it out here -https://21daysugardetox.com/

Grab a copy of Liz's book "Eat the Yolks" - http://balbit.es/Amazon_EatTheYolks

GET FULL EPISODE SHOW NOTES WITH TRANSCRIPT -http://balancedbites.com/episode377