Ep 041 - Dealing with Aggressive and Unwanted Behavior

Published: Nov. 15, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Anger, aggressive behavior, and conflict is on the rise among drivers, coworkers, all over social media, and even within families — locally where we are based in Allentown, PA and the Lehigh Valley area — and also worldwide. There are scientific studies that prove this, but even setting those aside it’s very apparent that aggression is rampant.

  • Aggressive behavior sneaks up on you when you're least expecting it

  • It’s easier said than done, but we must strive to ignore what other people are thinking

  • When aggression is directly in front of you and it cannot be avoided — that is different

  • In that case it needs to be handled accordingly — hopefully self-discipline and control of your emotions kick in to address the situation appropriately