EP210 How to be quietly subversive and make the standards meaningful (with Dr. Robyn Jackson)

Published: Oct. 11, 2020, 4 p.m.


What happens when you\\u2019re asked to follow bad pedagogy or teach topics that seem irrelevant for kids? You can do exactly as you\\u2019re told...or you can quietly subvert the system, and find ways to do what\\u2019s best for kids.

Listen in as Dr. Robyn Jackson and I talk about ways that we\\u2019ve done this in our teaching practice, and how we\\u2019ve supported other teachers in doing the same.

We speak the quiet part out loud in this episode: the best teachers don\\u2019t just follow directives without question \\u2014 they\\u2019re NOT doing everything they\\u2019re told, because a lot of what they\\u2019re told to do isn\\u2019t good for kids.

You don\\u2019t have to settle for just \\u201cgetting through\\u201d boring curriculum and test prep. You can be actively looking for ways to get yourself excited about what/how you need to teach and make the learning meaningful for kids so they\\u2019re more engaged, too.

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