Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers

Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers

Truth for Teachers is designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators and get you energized for the week ahead.

228 episodes

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The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast

The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast

Teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform, educational technology -- if it has something to do with teaching, we're talking about it. Jennifer Gonzalez interviews educators, students, administrators and parents about the psychological and social dynamics of school, trade secrets, and other juicy things you'll never learn in a textbook. For more fantastic resources for teachers, visit

165 episodes

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The Clinical Problem Solvers

The Clinical Problem Solvers

The Clinical Problem Solvers is a multi-modal venture that works to disseminate and democratize the stories and science of diagnostic reasoning Twitter: @CPSolvers Website:

152 episodes

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Aquí vamos a contar historias. Vamos a hablar de cultura, de cine, de paz, de viajes, de música. Vamos a continuar la conversación que empezó en la radio hace 25 años, pero además aprovecharemos las nuevas posibilidades que se abren con este medio. Bienvenidos a mi podcast de historia.

107 episodes

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Age of Conquest: A Kings and Generals Podcast

Age of Conquest: A Kings and Generals Podcast

Kings and Generals Podcast

80 episodes

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EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused the 2008 financial crisis, the nature of consciousness, and more. EconTalk has been taking the Monday out of Mondays since 2006. All 900+ episodes are available in the archive. Go to for transcripts, related resources, and comments.

780 episodes

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A Delectable Education Charlotte Mason Podcast

A Delectable Education Charlotte Mason Podcast

Through twice monthly conversations, three moms who have studied the Charlotte Mason method of education and put her ideas into practice in their homes join together to share with one another for the benefit of listeners by giving explanations of Mason's principles and examples of those principles put into practice out of their own teaching experience. These short discussions aim at providing information, support, and encouragement for others by unfolding the myriad aspects.

219 episodes

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¿Quieres aprender ingles? pero por alguna razon te cuesta mucho trabajo. tartamudeas, no puedes memorizar palabras, se te olvida todo, Te da miedo hablarlo.

Bienvenido a este curso donde te voy a llevar de la mano para que tengas confianza en ti mismo y con esa confianza y seguridad que te voy a dar catapultes tu aprendizaje del ingles

Me voy a enfocar en entrenar tu mente y espíritu, para que nunca mas vuelvas a sentir miedo, frustración o desesperanza.

Pero principalmente vamos a tocar aquellos temas que las escuelas de ingles no quieren que sepas.

Mi unico objetivo es ayudarte, el unico

176 episodes

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The Inforium

The Inforium

Thomas Frank and Martin Boehme discuss productivity, personal finance, their weird llama obsession, and other interesting things. New episodes every other week.

302 episodes

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Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics

Learn mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous.

3 episodes

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Get Started With Advanced Python

Get Started With Advanced Python

Advancing Python, 1 step at a time.

4 episodes

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Small Dive into C Programming

Small Dive into C Programming

Dive into a hugely popular programming language that is used to create personalized web application.

3 episodes

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Master+ Jurídico

Master+ Jurídico

Podcast com o intuito de abordarmos os principais temas e dicas voltados pra comunidade acadêmica, suprindo as lacunas deixadas pelas faculdades nas partes práticas das profissões jurídicas.

6 episodes

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Lezioni di Digital Marketing operativo di Michele Baldoni

Lezioni di Digital Marketing operativo di Michele Baldoni

Podcast sul digital marketing, incentrato sulla SEO, cercando di fornire indicazioni utili a chi deve ottimizzare un sito.

2 episodes

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Insegnare: istruzioni per l'uso

Insegnare: istruzioni per l'uso

Io sono Alberto De Panfilis, divulgatore e consulente didattico, e dal 2008 mi prendo cura della Scuola e dei suoi protagonisti principali, gli Insegnanti, coloro che la Scuola la vivono, a volte la patiscono, ma sempre la rispettano.
Con il progetto MetaDidattica ho incontrato migliaia di Docenti, di ogni ordine e grado: con la maggior parte di loro ho avuto la fortuna di confrontarmi, mettendo a fuoco le dinamiche più complesse e potendo testare sul campo centinaia di tecniche. Molte sono risultate inefficaci, le abbiamo scartate, ma un numero consistente rappresenta invece un bagaglio di inestimabile valore per chiunque voglia migliorare le proprie Relazioni Scolastiche. Scopriamo insieme come trarre il meglio dai Ragazzi, dalle loro Famiglie, dal rapporto con i Colleghi e, perché no, anche da quello con noi stessi!

14 episodes

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Mente Realizadora

Mente Realizadora

Temas tratados: Autoconhecimento, Autodesenvolvimento, Psicologia Positiva, Coaching, Prosperidade, Relacionamentos e Metas.

6 episodes

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HIST 119: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877

HIST 119: The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877

The causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War, from the 1840s to 1877. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

27 episodes

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Easy French Poetry (French Today)

Easy French Poetry (French Today)

Bonjour à tous and welcome to Easy French Poetry where I read some of the most Classic French Poems. I will read them twice: once slowly - so you may repeat after me - and once at a more natural reading pace. I will sometimes also talk about the life of the author, explain the vocabulary or do an analysis of the text using simple, everyday French. You will find the full text of the poems accompanied by the audio on my website as well as much more audio material such as The Easy French Poetry Readings and Analysis series, Classic French Tales, French Verb Drills, reachable audio novels...

17 episodes

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My English Office

My English Office

Listen to podcasts of native English speakers to improve your understanding of spoken English in the business environment. Transcripts of each podcast are available for download.

20 episodes

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Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı Podcast Kanalı

Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı Podcast Kanalı

Perspektifiyle medeniyet ve kültür birikimimize, tarihi ve coğrafi derinliğimize bir yolculuk vaat eden Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı 1986 yılında kurulmuştur. Bilginin üretimi ve organizasyonuna odaklanan Bilm ve Sanat Vakfı’nda seminer, araştırma, sempozyum, panel ve yayın faaliyetleri dört merkez vasıtasıyla yürütülmektedir: Medeniyet Araştırmaları Merkezi (MAM), bilgi ve düşüncenin kadim Çin’den modern Amerika’ya kadar bütün renk ve unsurlarını derinliğine araştırırken, Türkiye Araştırmaları Merkezi (TAM), bu bağlamda tarihsel gerçekliğimizi mercek altına almaktadır. Küresel Araştırmalar Merkezi (KAM), bugünkü dünya gerçekliğini irdeleyip geleceğe dair öngörülerde bulunmaya çalışırken, Sanat Araştırmaları Merkezi (SAM) de bütün bu çabaların merkezinde bulunan insanın iç dünyasındaki estetik inceliğin inşası yolunda çalışmalar yapmaktadır.

542 episodes

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