145: How to Make Reading with your Kids More Fun & Less Stressful // Janssen Bradshaw of Everyday Reading

Published: Aug. 31, 2020, 8:45 a.m.

Sometimes you need to employ some strategies to enjoy reading with you kids. It’s not a “given” that all kids will love being read to by their parents, just as it’s not a “given” that all parents will love reading to their kids. Which is why I'm so excited to be talking to Janssen Bradshaw today about how to make reading with your kids more fun and less stressful. I'm a former high school English teacher, so it probably comes as no surprise that I love reading to my kids. I always say that books are my secret weapon to get through their hard behaviors. But not all parents feel this way, and that's okay! Whether you love reading to your kids or it’s a real struggle for you, I know you are going to get some amazing tips from this week’s episode. Our guest is Janssen Bradshaw who is a former elementary school librarian with a masters degree in library and information studies. She now stays home with her four daughters and runs the blog https://everyday-reading.com/ (Everyday Reading), which helps parents make reading an enjoyable, simple part of their family life. Three Takeaways from Janssen Bradshaw to Enjoy Reading with Your Kids1) Pick books that are fun for YOU to read with your kids.  -If you enjoy the books, you'll make more time for family reading, and it'll be a better experience for everyone. 2) Don't be afraid to quit a book.  -If you decide to stop reading a book together, you’re not teaching your child to be a quitter - you’re teaching them that you don't have to pour more time into something that isn't working for you.  3) Let your kids move while you read.  -Research actually shows that many children can focus better when their hands are occupied. (ex: LEGOS, coloring, brushing your hair) Show Notes Janssen's Blog, https://everyday-reading.com/ (Everyday Reading) Janssen's https://www.instagram.com/everydayreading/?hl=en (Instagram Account) https://everyday-reading.com/2020-best-childrens-picture-books/ (List of 100 Children's Books (2020) ) https://everyday-reading.com/read-aloud-books-for-preschoolers/ (30 Chapter Books to Read Aloud to Preschoolers & Kindergartners) https://amzn.to/3hJfyES (Beauty by Robin McKinley) https://readaloudrevival.com/82/ (Read Aloud Revival Podcast, episode 82 "Why Fidgeting is a Good Sign") Related Episodes https://3in30podcast.com/captivate-podcast/unexpected-heros/ (Episode 003: Introducing Our Kids to Unexpected Heroes // Jennifer Brimhall) https://3in30podcast.com/captivate-podcast/125-homeschool-tips/ (Episode 125: 3 Tips for the Accidental Homeschooling Mom // Bonnie & Audrey from the Outnumbered Podcast) https://3in30podcast.com/captivate-podcast/140-raising-culturally-curious-children-preethi-b-harbuck-2/ (Episode 140: Raising Culturally Curious Children // Preethi B. Harbuck) Join us in celebrating the third birthday of 3 in 30 in October! Record YOUR three takeaways and submit them as a voice memo to be aired on the show! All of the instructions to participate can be found at https://3in30podcast.com/birthday/ (3in30podcast.com/birthday). If you'd like to hear a sample of a crowdsources #my3in30 episode, listen https://3in30podcast.com/captivate-podcast/halfbirthday/ (here) and https://3in30podcast.com/captivate-podcast/compilation/ (here). What did Janssen Bradshaw share that you found most helpful? Let me know in a comment below!