098: How to Hold Space for Your Creativity As a Parent // Elizabeth Bergeland and Ben Brashares

Published: Sept. 10, 2019, 2:20 a.m.

Aside from the things you need to do and the things you think you should do, what do you actually want to do? Take a dance class? Meal plan? Interior design? Create a new spreadsheet? Catch up on your journal?  Today I have my childhood best friend, Elizabeth Bergeland, a stay-at-home mother AND a professional artist, and Ben Brashares, a stay-at-home father AND an author, on the show to talk about holding space for creativity in your life. Despite their busy schedules, they continuously chip away at working within their creative fields. Together they recently published a beautiful book called Being Edie is Hard Today.  Separate from your work status and the things that keep you busy as a parent, here are three things Elizabeth Bergeland suggests to help you hold space for your creativity as a parent:  Manage your expectations. Is there a way that I can still do this but in a medium or method that’s more conducive to family life?  Carve out a designated time and space for your creativity. Make sure it fits you and your unique creative personality.  Find ways to hold yourself accountable to your creativity. Show Notes Elizabeth’s website: elizabethbergeland.com Elizabeth’s Instagram: @elizabethbergeland Ben’s Instagram: @bbrashares Book: Being Edie is Hard Today   My last in-person workshop for 2019 is being held on Saturday, October 12th and there are TWO sessions available so you can find the time that’s right for you! Also, “Declutter Your Motherhood” is happening ONLINE for the first-time ever! There will be two online live Zoom sessions held on October 19th and October 23rd. Check out 3in30podcast.com/workshops for more information on ALL my workshops!  How do you make space for your creativity? Share in a comment below!