069: Rekindling Your Love of Motherhood // Kelly Jensen

Published: Feb. 25, 2019, 8 p.m.

\"The truth is, I don\'t like motherhood--and I desperately want to.\" In August of 2016, I wrote these words in an email to a woman I\'d never met before but had admired from afar, asking for her advice. At the heart of my message was this question: \"How can I learn to love motherhood more?\" My kids were 5 and 2 at the time, and long days at home with them were brutal for me, despite my best efforts to be a patient and fun mom. I felt lost and unfulfilled--but too embarrassed to admit just how desperate I felt to anyone in my real life. It was safer to reach out to someone distant, and that\'s why I emailed one of my mom-heroes from Instagram, Kelly Jensen. I never would\'ve believed that just over two years later, I would be talking to Kelly on my very own podcast, reading her that heartfelt plea for help I sent I sent via email and sharing her response with moms all over the world. It was thrilling for me to interview Kelly for this week\'s episode. She\'s a mother of five who is known for her contagious love of family life, with her seasonal \"Live Lists\" and love letters to her children (#wordsformybabies). In this episode, she cheers every mother on with the reminder to value who we are as individuals--and know that it\'s enough. Show Notes  -Kelly\'s Instagram: @kellyejensen Check out Kelly\'s \"Live Lists\" here and here. -I am so excited to announce \"Declutter your Motherhood Extended,\" which starts with a kickoff workshop on Saturday, April 13 at Eleve Event Center in Pleasant Grove, UT, and continues for 30 days with mentoring and support. Go to 3in30podcast.com/workshops for more information and tickets! **Use the code 3IN30 this week only to get $30 off your ticket.