014: Getting Out of Overwhelm // April Perry of Power of Moms

Published: Jan. 22, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

If you often go to bed feeling like you will never get caught up on all of your responsibilities, wondering how you could\'ve worked so hard all day and still have a massive to-do list, this episode is for you. April Perry, the co-founder of the websites Power of Moms and Learn Do Become, shares a step-by-step process for getting out of overwhelm. April has spent thousands of hours developing time management systems that help important people--from business leaders to mothers--organize their *minds* so they can focus on their true priorities, get more done, and be more present with their families during downtime. In this episode, April explains this process in detail:   1) Make an ACCURATE list of all of the projects you have brewing in your mind. (Include for your family, for you, and beyond.)2) Narrow that list to no more than 7-8 projects to tackle this month. Put that shorter list in a visible place to reference often.3) Using that list, identify tiny \"next actions\" that will move each project forward.  Show Notes -PowerofMoms.com -LearnDoBecome.com -Getting Things Done by David Allen -Essentialism by Greg McKeown. For more about April\'s organization systems, please visit learndobecome.com/STEP.