Published: July 10, 2016, midnight

Season 1, Episode 6 “Sundowner”

Written by: Nick Towne

Directed by Guillermo Navarro

Timothy: Hi folks, Timothy Harvey here for SciFi4Me and Horror4Me's Zombpocalypse Now podcast. Dustin is kinda indisposed at the moment. There was an event that occurred in this week's episode of AMC's Preacher that has had an... emotional effect.

Dustin: Why, Tim, WHYYYYYYY?

Timothy: What you kids can't see at home, is that Dustin just pulled himself from his semi-fetal position on the couch, reached over and grabbed my shoulders and shook me like a bobble-head.

I'm... going to have to ask him to never do that again.

Oddly enough, it popped my neck, so not only did he get to express his anguish, but I got to lose this crick in my neck that's been bothering me. Huh. Anyway, take a listen to our latest review, share it with your friends, and do all the rating and commenting things that are so useful in the podcasting world. Enjoy!