Published: Oct. 4, 2017, midnight

Season 3, Episode 13
"This Land Is Your Land"
Written by Suzanne Heathcote
Directed by Meera Menon

Timothy: Ladies and gentlemen, we now return you to your regularly scheduled dose of the Undead.

Dustin: Now with more Curtis!

Curtis: Hi there.

Timothy: With the Wolves that are Teens at an end, we are, in fact, back to watching the adventures of Madison & Co. For better and worse.

Dustin: And if you've read and listened to our earlier reviews of Fear the Walking Dead, they do know how to do worse.

Timothy: This is so very, very true. And yet, this season has been, on balance, pretty interesting. Uneven and sometimes frustrating, but interesting.

Curtis: It has done a much better job engaging us though. In a good way, which is cool.

Dustin: Even if Madison's family is still basically the Lexx of the zombie world. Show up, burn everything to the ground and move on!

Timothy: They are terrifyingly consistent in that regard. Still, I'd say we're liking the show much more that we have in the past, although that doesn't necessarily take much.

Dustin: No #$%&.

Curtis: Heh. But it was nice to come back and spend an episode not hating on this show.

Dustin: It helps that Chris and Travis are dead. "Daaad. Daaaad. I have a moral quandary, Daaaad."

Timothy: Yeah, good riddance to that. So, sit back and listen as Curtis provides the drinks...

Curtis: Dustin provides the anecdotes...

Dustin: And Tim provides the... hmmm. What is it you do here, again?

Timothy: Shut it, you. Thanks for listening folks, and we'll be back with more Zombpocalypse Now, next week!