ZOMBPOCALYPSE NOW: Everyone is Terrible on THE WALKING DEAD'S "Time For After"

Published: Dec. 6, 2017, midnight

Season 8, Episode 7 "Time For After"
Written by Matthew Negrete & Corey Reed
Directed by Larry Teng

Timothy: Welcome to this week's Zombpocalyse Now podcast!

Dustin: We talk about Eugene a lot this week, people, and Eugene is the worst. The WORST. You have been warned.

Timothy: We don't just talk about Eugene being terrible, of course. We also talk about how terrible Daryl is at following plans.

Dustin: Daryl is TERRIBLE at following plans, you guys. PLANS THAT ARE WORKING!

Timothy: And yet there are some good moments this week...

Dustin: Moments. Not enough of them, but yes, there are moments. AND, we did it in under 45 minutes! With only a couple of digressions! Because we are professionals! Well, no, we're actually not, but we almost act like it!

Timothy: Almost. So thanks for listening, and please help us spread the word about this podcast thing we do, and please rate and comment on Zombpocalypse Now on iTunes, which really helps grow the audience, and follow us on Facebook!