Published: May 10, 2017, midnight

Season 1, Episode 8 “How Much Vomit?”
Written by Aaron Brownstein & Simon Ganz, Directed by Steve Pink

Season 1, Episode 9 "The Book!"
Written by Sarah Walker, Directed by Tamra Davis

Dustin: I really don't remember recording this episode. My sinuses are trying to kill me.

Mindy: You did. We were there.

Dustin: I'm not sure I believe you.

Timothy: Dude. Your voice is right there. You use the words and everything.

Dustin: You could have constructed it out of pieces of previous episodes.

Timothy: I so don't have the time for that. Are you insane?

Dustin: Mindy is a cyborg now. She could have... used her cyborg powers.

Mindy: This is true. I do have the vast and terrible cyborg powers.

Timothy: Uh huh. Sure you do. Anyway, I would like to apologize to the folks at home for some weirdness with the audio. The levels are off, so it jumps up and down a bit on the volume in places.

Mindy: You can understand us though. Well, as much as anyone can ever understand us.

Timothy: We do make sense at least some of the time.

Dustin: Do we though? Eh. Maybe. I still don't remember recording this. My sinuses are trying to kill me. Have I mentioned that?

Mindy: You have. And I'll just mention that we have a lot of other podcasts you can listen to on iTunes and Podcasts.com, and we would love it if you'd rate and comment on this podcast. It helps people find it and build our audience.

Timothy: That would be great, yes. Thanks for listening folks, and we'll be back next week with more Zombpocalypse Now!