Episode 44: Blockchain 101: Transaction lifecycle & the mempool

Published: Sept. 26, 2018, 3 p.m.

In this episode, we are joined by Tomasz Drwięga (https://twitter.com/tomusdrw), a Core Developer at Parity Technologies, to discuss the lifecycle of a transaction on the Ethereum network and how the mempool works. We will be covering the following topics: * What a mempool/transaction queue/transaction pool is. * How a transaction reaches a mempool and what the mempool does with it. * Looking at what causes the CPU increase and delays in the network. * What happens when a transaction gets stuck. * Gossip. * The security properties of the mempool. * What a network attack could look like. Here are some additional links and ressources if you want to dig deeper. https://medium.com/blockchannel/life-cycle-of-an-ethereum-transaction-e5c66bae0f6e https://blog.infura.io/when-there-are-too-many-pending-transactions-8ec1a88bc87e https://etherscan.io/txsPending https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethereum-Wire-Protocol