Episode 130: Exploring Tezos & their recent Sapling integration

Published: May 20, 2020, 1:30 p.m.

In this week's episode, Anna interviews three people from the Tezos community: Jacob Arluck (https://twitter.com/JacobArluck) (co-founders TQ (https://twitter.com/TQTezos) ), Marc Beunardeau and Marco Stronati (both from Nomadic Labs (https://twitter.com/LabosNomades)). They chat about the Tezos (https://twitter.com/tezos) origin story, the development of the PoS system, the governance of Tezos, and how they are incorporating zk proofs - and specifically Sapling from Zcash - into their system. Here is some additional info related to the interview: Nomadic blog post about the Sapling integration (https://blog.nomadic-labs.com/sapling-integration-in-tezos-tech-preview.html) Tezos implementation of Sapling (https://youtu.be/xjK-27o5WFI) Wired article about early Tezos issues (https://www.wired.com/story/tezos-blockchain-love-story-horror-story/) Transparent Polynomial Delegation and Its Applications to Zero Knowledge Proof (https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1482.pdf) Thank you to this week's sponsor - Trail of Bits (https://www.trailofbits.com/). Trail of Bits has partnered with Johns Hopkins University to supply vulnerability researchers with software that can produce ZK proofs of exploitability. This is part of a larger effort funded by DARPA, called SIEVE (https://www.darpa.mil/attachments/SIEVEProposersDaySlidesv4.pdf), to push forward the state of the art in zero-knowledge proofs. For more info check out their blog! https://blog.trailofbits.com/2020/05/21/reinventing-vulnerability-disclosure-using-zero-knowledge-proofs/. If you like what we do: Follow us on Twitter - @zeroknowledgefm (https://twitter.com/zeroknowledgefm) Join us on Telegram (https://t.me/joinchat/B_81tQ57-ThZg8yOSx5gjA) Give us feedback! https://forms.gle/iKMSrVtcAn6BByH6A Support our Gitcoin Grant (https://gitcoin.co/grants/329/zero-knowledge-podcast-2) Support us on the ZKPatreon (https://www.patreon.com/zeroknowledge) Or directly here: ETH: 0xC0FFEE1B5083230a5154F55f253B6b6ae8F29B1a BTC: 1cafekGa3podM4fBxPSQc6RCEXQNTK8Zz ZEC: t1R2bujRF3Hzte9ALHpMJvY8t5kb9ut9SpQ