Session 64 - Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas (ra)- The martyrdom of Uthmaan (ra);

Published: July 18, 2022, 5:35 a.m.

Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) The Knight of Islam Session 64 The martyrdom of Uthmaan (ra); Alee (ra) takes the Caliphate reluctantly. The senior Sahaba are dispersed around the different lands; the Pledge to Alee (ra) is not secured. The Prophecy of the Great Disorder is upon the Sahaba. The Sahaba never questioned the sincerity of one another. With laughter, Saad (ra) explains why Alee (ra) called him pug nose. Just because one has a personal problem with one another, loyalty is not breached. Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) whilst keeping out of the Great Disorder, regrets not fighting the  transgressors alongside Alee (ra).