Session 39 - Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra)- The bravery of Saad (ra)

Published: June 22, 2022, 10:53 a.m.

Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra), The Knight of Islam Session 39 The bravery of Saad (ra), he took camp between the 2 armies unguarded. The horrors of the battle did not phase him. The Day of Armath (Disorder). The Order of the Takbeers, 1- prepare, repeat the Takbeer, 2) complete the prep and get ready, 3) bring forth your horses and duel, 4) full launch of attack. Surah Badr is recited by the platoons. The 2 men, each one worth 1,000 go forth and engage in duels. Rustum launches half his force (100,000) targeting Banu Bujailah, Banu Assad are ordered to reinforce.