Soul Contracts-What the Heck Are They & Why Would We Make a Pre-Birth Plan?

Published: May 3, 2021, 4 p.m.


Today's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness looks at the notion of soul contracts, your pre-birth plan, and why we would even make soul contracts and pre-birth plans before we come into the body?

This topic was inspired by\\xa0Your Soul's Plan and Your Soul's Gift by author Robert Schwartz.

Not only was I inspired by this topic in general, but it was fueled by the consciousness calibration of the book, which holds significant truth and power calibrated in the high 300s on the Map of Consciousness. My friends provided this calibration at

It is also interesting to note that this book has a similar consciousness calibration to the book\\xa0 Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. This book was significant for me in the aftermath of\\xa0quantum spiritual awakening.

Your Soul's Gift by Robert Schwartz dives deeper into the existence of soul contracts that we create in spirit as pre-birth plans.

In particular, Rob provides case studies on really challenging situations and soul contracts we choose at the soul level to bring forth into each lifetime. Though they may seem like punishment at the level of the personality, they can truly be integrated as your Soul's gift once you understand what is meaningful and purposeful to the spirit and the level of the soul.


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