Rising Above Grief: Elevating Your Consciousness to Find Healing and Inner Strength

Published: May 30, 2023, 4 p.m.


Embark on a transformative journey through the depths of human experience in our captivating podcast: "How Low Can You Go in Grief?" Join me as we delve into the uncharted territories of consciousness, shedding light on the profound influence of grief in shaping our lives.

Dive into the riveting exploration of the human scale of consciousness, where each month we unravel the intricacies of different levels of consciousness. In this installment, we dare to confront the haunting realm of grief, unraveling its multifaceted dimensions.

Uncover the intricacies of the grieving process, unravel the raw emotions that accompany it, and challenge your self-view and perception of the divine. My mission is to empower you, to help you transcend the shackles of grief and embrace higher truths and boundless power.

Prepare to be enlightened as I guide you through the labyrinthine landscapes of consciousness. This podcast is your weekly dose of inspiration, providing invaluable insights into the human experience, and illuminating the path to profound healing and personal growth. Get ready to soar above grief and discover the transformative potential within you.

In order to put POWER & TRUTH into context, it's important to take a look at the l

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Join  Puma Fredy in Andean Spirit Medicine Practices
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4 Pathways to Personal Healing.

Choose your FREE audio from a premier Sounds True The Healing Trauma Program teacher.

Countless people have experienced traumatic events that have manifested as symptoms, behaviors, and actions for which a root cause is unclear. Choose a pathway (addiction, anxiety, shame, or abuse) to access a profound teaching.

If you are new to this podcast or an avid listener, I have something just for you.

I created a landing page with all of my playlists in one place.

For new listeners, I created a playlist called "Foundational Basics".

For avid listeners, you can find all of these playlists on the website here.

Living from a Place of Surrender
The first-ever online course with the author of The Untethered Soul, Michael A. Singer. Join us now!

The Teachings of Eckhart Tolle
Discover the most current teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and step into the power of now

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