1001 Ways of Being: Embrace Your Imperfections:-Unlocking Higher Consciousness

Published: June 15, 2023, noon


Discover Your Self-Care SuperPowers: Uncover Your Personalized Path to Self-Healing: Take This Quiz and Find Your Way!

Hey there!

Today I'm announcing some weekly bonus content for you.

Many Listeners love the 1001 Ways episodes, and because I can make them short, sweet, and to the point, I will create one a week for you that will come out on Thursdays.

So the topic is 1001 Ways to Being of Higher Consciousness. And because there's a flip side to everything, I will alternate weeks with a 1001 Ways to Being to Let Go of because they are not of higher consciousness.

My intention with these 1001 ways is to introduce you to higher ways of being so you can align yourself and your energy fields with higher consciousness.

And all you need is one!

According to Dr. David R. Hawkins and consciousness research, when applied diligently and consistently, just one is powerful enough to shift your entire life's trajectory.

I am giving you many options to consider and have put them in your personal development and spiritual growth toolbox.

So, Let's get started...

Today's 1001 ways to being of higher consciousness are the statement, which you can use as an affirmation or reminder,

According to ConsciousnessCalibrations.com the statement: "I am perfect the way I am." calibrates at a high level of consciousness.

Listen in to today's revelations and be sure to take my fun and revealing quiz:

Discover Your Self-Care SuperPowers: Uncover Your Personalized Path to Self-Healing: Take This Quiz and Find Your Way!

Join Cyndi Dale in Create Miracles on Demand Through Radical Energy Healing
Join  Puma Fredy in Andean Spirit Medicine Practices
Join  Martha Eddy in Transform Stress Into Strength With Dynamic Embodiment Practices

If you are new to this podcast or an avid listener, I have something just for you.

I created a landing page with all of my playlists in one place.

For new listeners, I created a playlist called "Foundational Basics".

For avid listeners, you can find all of these playlists on the website here.

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