The News Media. Honest Journalism or Planned Propaganda?

Published: July 16, 2020, 5 a.m.


There is still time to hear this past weekend\\u2019s show. It\\u2019s important to understand the deception within our own media!


When the United States was founded, the concept of a free press, which has evolved to today\\u2019s electronic, print, and online media was considered \\u201csacrosanct\\u201d by the founding fathers. They believed that an independent and honest press would be the balance needed to keep government honest and looking out for the best interests of our nation and her people.


Now, over two centuries later, we find that much of our media is both corporate owned, and highly partisan. The concept of a truly independent media is dead, and most of the large mainstream media outlets have turned into nothing more than propaganda apparatus for the forces that want to destroy American history, culture, and individual freedom. On this weekend\\u2019s show, Bob talks about the decay of the press, and brings on Frank Salvato of the Underground USA Podcast to talk about the complicit mainstream media.


On the second half of the show, Bob takes a few minutes to expose how the headlines you see in the news have a planned theme to control the conversation. He also shares something from two years ago, that is almost a prophetic message.

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