Tech Giant Tyranny-Time to use radio again

Published: July 30, 2020, 11 a.m.

If you share the wrong “political” thing on Facebook™, post a video that goes against the Leftist narrative on YouTube™, or say the wrong “un-woke” thing on Twitter™, you will be censored, shadow banned, and even banished. The gargantuan tech tyrants are now crushing conservative and Christian speech on an ever-increasing basis. The concept of the “Open Marketplace of Ideas” is totally dead on the monopoly-controlled Internet Sites. How did this happen, and how do we find a way to keep a factual and truthful message flowing?

For too long people have moved their lives, their jobs, their political thoughts, and even their faith to platforms like Facebook Live and YouTube. Now that they have walked away from traditional platforms like Radio, they are now under the “Lordship” of the Googles and Facebooks of this world. In this world where these tech monsters consider people of faith second class citizens, and those that might challenge anything you are told by the mainstream media about the Coronavirus, you are labeled as either a wacko conspiracy theorist, or a medical quack. Daily, videos and posts are taken down.

For over 5 years “Your Weekend Show” has been airing on International Shortwave, and even as a Podcast. Program Host, Bob Biermann, has been deeply concerned about this trend, and has decided to launch a daily program to air on Shortwave Radio, and if able without censorship, even as a Podcast. We truly live in a perilous time, where your constitutional freedoms can be taken by a Governor’s proclamation, and your speech inhibited by tech giants. Make no mistake, it is about an election, and the control of YOUR life, and even your thoughts.