Prayer Champions’ Broadcast - 2018 Prayer

Published: Jan. 3, 2018, 6 p.m.

Today we are wiping the slate clean, as we start 2018! Before we start our 2018 Prayer, we must remember that we have a special relationship with God Almighty that gives each of us access to the glorious throne and the sacred altar of God. Therefore, we must make sure that there is nothing in our way to hinder our prayers for this entire year. First, we must make sure that if there are changes we need to make, that we do it now. We repent and ask GOD to change us. No matter the painful mistakes, erroneous actions, or periods of full ?edged rebellion, once repentance occurs, our slates are wiped cleaned. According to Jeremiah 29:11, we are assured  of the plans GOD has for us!