61 - Future-Kill

Published: Sept. 5, 2014, 10:02 p.m.


We go back to our B movie roots with an independent sci-fi monster flick shot right here in the heart of Austin, Texas: 1985\\u2019s Future-Kill. Despite its ultra low budget and muddy cinematography, the filmmakers somehow convinced famed surrealist\\xa0artist H.R. Giger to create the poster image, which is far and away a hundred times better than anything in the actual movie. Giger\\u2019s rendering of the main villain \\u201cSplatter\\u201d is mysterious, ghostly, and terrifying. Future-Kill\\u2019s Splatter looks like\\xa0a scrawny guy in a bike helmet.


After a brief intro with Splatter and Eddie, the leader of the mutant punk protest movement, Future-Kill moves over to a zany frat party full of a bunch of reprehensible frat dudes displaying amateurish pranks. The balding frat president says these no-goodniks must make up for their antics by performing the zaniest prank of all: go downtown into mutant territory and kidnap a gang member. Needless to say it does not go well and they end up running for their lives in a world without pay phones or public transportation.
